Reception Scheme of Learning


EYFS Learning-in-History






Here are some supporting documents to help you with your child’s reading journey at St Mary’s. Further information about the Read, Write, Inc scheme used in school can be found on the English section of the website.

Set 1 sound mat

Letter form sheets

set 1 Home Practice Cards

In PE…

In PE…

...we have moved in lots of different ways on, under, over and through apparatus! We discussed how to stay safe for example by bending our knees to jump and using our arms to help balance.

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Inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe…

Inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe…

...we made some amazing sunflower Artwork! We used blue watercolour paint for the background and let it dry before drawing with oil pastels. We experimented with light and dark shades and blending them together to create our final pictures.   [gallery...

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To start our new plants topic…

To start our new plants topic…

...we had the chance to investigate! We used tweezers and magnifying glasses to have a closer look at the parts of the plants. We learnt some of the roles these parts have like the roots collecting the nutrients and water from the soil. We also made predictions about...

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Shrove Tuesday…

Shrove Tuesday…

We celebrated Shrove Tuesday in Reception, the pancakes were absolutely delicious! We learnt that Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday when Christians use up foods such as eggs, milk and sugar before Lent begins. [gallery type="rectangular"...

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In RE we discussed prayer…

In RE we discussed prayer…

We talked about why people pray and what they might pray about. We recalled some of the times we have prayed, like our lunchtime and after school prayers, Collective Worship and at Church. We then had the oppurtunity to tie a ribbon to our class 'Prayer Tree' if we...

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‘After the Fall’…

‘After the Fall’…

We used 'After the Fall' by Dan Santat as a hook for our PSHE task. We spoke about Humpty Dumpty getting back on the wall after his fall and linked this to things we have tried that maybe didn't work out how we wanted them to the first time and how we showed...

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Progress in writing…

Progress in writing…

The progress of our writing during Read Write Inc lessons is amazing! We are now learning some 'special friends' sounds which is where two letters are together to make one sound. We are always practicing correct letter formation too.   [gallery type="rectangular"...

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