Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! We hope you have had an amazing summer and we cannot wait to welcome you back to St Mary’s. 

Mrs Brook will be your teacher this year, who is very excited to return to Year 1 after a few years further up school. Miss Washington will also be supporting children in the class. Mrs Parker will be in Year 1 on some days too, covering Mrs Brook’s planning time on a Tuesday and SENCO time on a Wednesday. 

Phonics and Reading in Year One… 

We will start our phonics journey using Read, Write, Inc straight away in Year 1.  

Your child will soon receive a reading book matched to their phonics level. It is expected that children read this book to an adult at home. They will also take home another book which is a reading for pleasure book and their choice from our school library. This book may need more guidance and can be read by an adult.  

You will also find a Reading Record book to record the books taken home and how they are progressing at home.  

Reading books will be changed by an adult in school every Friday but please make sure books are in bags every day.  



Spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday.  

Children can practise their spellings in a range of ways including sounding them out, writing them down, writing in sand/mud etc, writing them in sentences. Spelling Tests will take place on Tuesdays.    


Knowledge Organiser  

This half term our first topic is ‘Plants’ and then we are moving on to ‘Where does our food come from?’. The Knowledge Organiser for ‘Plants’ has been attached to this letter. Please look at the organiser with your child as revising key facts, information and vocabulary will develop their understanding as they progress on their learning journey.  


General Reminders… 

  • Year One’s PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Getting changed is an important life skill so please bring a PE kit into school on these days ready for PE sessions. For health and safety reasons, your child should not wear jewellery on these days, especially earrings.  They must have appropriate footwear too.
  • If you would like to keep up to date with what is going on in Year 1, you can follow us on Twitter @onestmarys1.

    If you have any further questions about this year, then please do not hesitate to ask. We cannot wait to welcome you into our class.  Mrs Brook, Miss Washington and Mrs Parker 

