We have been very pleased with the feedback from our previous parent surveys and now have a new system to gather the views of parents and carers. You can give your views of our school at any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection using an online questionnaire called Parent View.
Please register with an email address and a password at http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk.
Once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete answers to 12 short questions about aspects such as bullying, the quality of teaching, level of homework, etc.
Your views are important in helping inspectors make a decision about our school, and to help us know what is going well and what could be improved.
If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at reception. Below is a guide to the use of Parent View.
How to use Parent View:
1. Go to Parent View by clicking on http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk
2. Click on the orange jigsaw piece ‘Give your views now’
3. Register using your e-mail address.
4. You will be sent a password by e-mail
5. Log in to Parent View using your e-mail address and the password sent to you
6. Click on ‘give your views’ on the tool bar near the top of the screen
7. To find us enter ‘St Mary’s C.E Primary School’ with the address ‘Barnsely’, then click on the correct school
8. There is a question to answer about your use of Parent View then 2 boxes to tick
9. You will now be asked 12 questions, one at a time. You make a response from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘don’t know’ by ticking boxes
10. Submit your answers. You can update these at any time in the future and have previous responses over-written
Thank you for helping the school by adding your responses to Parent View – this will be very useful for us.