Year 3

Your teacher this year is Ms Saynor and Ms Kitchen will also be working with us to support individuals and groups during our lessons. 

Reading in Year Three… 

Reading with your child as often as possible is essential to their progress. We use reading records to keep track of children’s reading progress at home, please keep these up to date. 

Times Tables  

Developing recall of all multiplication and division facts is important in year 3. Please practise these with your child to ensure they know them securely. We will continue to use Times Table Rockstars to consolidate these facts too!  



Spellings will be sent home on a Friday. Children are expected to practise spellings by writing them out. They can also put them into sentences. This will help with their sentence structure and use of punctuation. Children will be tested on these spellings every Friday.   

Times Tables 

Please practise the set times tables on TT Rock Stars daily to support your child's progress.  

General Reminders… 

  • Year Three’s PE days are Thursday and Friday. Children must come to school in PE kit on these days. For health and safety reasons, your child should not wear jewellery on these days, especially earrings.  They must have appropriate footwear too.   
  • Please return any previous reading books and we will assist children in choosing a new book.
  • If you would like to keep up to date with what is going on in Year 3, you can follow us on Twitter @threestmary