

Massive thank you to @SummerLanePS and @SgoHorizon for an amazing @threestmarys orienteering afternoon. The pupils loved meeting new friends and developing their orienteering skills in a new environment.


For Spring 1, our Wider Curriculum topic in Year 5 was Biomes and the Distribution of Natural Resources. For our end of unit assessment, we answered the question: What is the importance of biomes? To show our understanding of the biomes we learnt about, we created bright, creative and informative double page spreads. This allowed us to showcase our knowledge in a fun and eye-catching way.


Where does our food come from?

We are busy in Year 1 looking at ‘Where does our food come from?’. We have been using retrieval skills to name the seven continents and now we are looking at crops that are grown on farms. Today we looked at how wheat is turned into flour. We have also looked at farm animals and the different produce made by different animals.
