

This week,Year Three took part in special history day to celebrate the end of their current unit on Egyptians. They worked on creating posters to share information all about Ancient Egypt with the help of the Year Five and Six history ambassadors too! #stmaryshistory

When Florence Nightingale was alive…

Miss Bell organised a theme day to travel back to the time when Florence Nightingale was alive. The children enjoyed a day of activities from learning about first aid, to baking bread and making lanterns. Year Two had the best day.

We are so proud of our history and heritage….

As we are researching the history of our school, in preparation for our special birthday next year, we asked Mrs Armitage if she had any pieces of history in her office boxes- she did!
We can’t believe we have these pieces of the past to add to our collection.  We have also found the old school song from 1964- we will relaunch this in school again next week.

History ambassadors…

Our wonderful history ambassadors are researching their own area of historical interest ready to share with peers at history club next half term. We are so proud of the children’s enthusiasm and passion to share their interests.

The pupils have gained so much knowledge about the Romans in Year Three. So impressed to be looking at the outcomes from this end of unit assessment.

History Ambassadors…

After a rigorous application process and lots of applicants, Mis Saynor has selected her History Ambassadors. These pupils will lead school on promoting history and running a history club. With there passion for history and Ms Saynor’s enthusiasm and knowledge we can’t wait to see how these pupils develop history over the course of this year.

World War Two.

We are astounded by the quality of the pupils’ history essays today to show their depth of knowledge from our history unit on World War Two. The final assessment pieces will help us in assessing the pupils understanding in preparation for secondary school.
