Our Governing Body
STM & RSJ Joint LGB Membership
All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’, to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.
The Governing Body works closely in partnership with the Headteacher, staff and representatives from St. Mary’s Academy Trust. Whilst the Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors make an essential contribution to the life of the school. They work together to provide the strategic direction for the school. It ensures that school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives. As the school is a church school, the Governing Body also works to ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is upheld.
Since December 2020, there has been a joint Governing Body for St. Mary’s Primary School and Royston St. John Baptist Primary School. This is another school within St. Mary’s Academy Trust, and the two school share an Executive Headteacher.
Who are we?
The Governing Body consists of:
- Mr Lee Spencer – Executive Headteacher (ex – officio)
- Ian Simpson – Chair and Trust Governor (expires 7/12/24)
- Ms Lynn Greenfield – Vice Chair (expires 7/12/24)
- Fr. Craig Tomlinson – Trust Governor (expires 7/12/24)
- Sarah Harris (expires 14/06/27)
- Chris Goodchild (expires 8/11/25)
- Sarah Hubard (expires 8/11/25)
The standard term of office is 4 years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.
The Chair of Governors is Ian Simpson, who can be contacted via the school office or directly via email at i.simpson@smat.org.uk
The Governing Body meets six times each year. They discuss all aspects of the school including finance, building, staffing, curriculum, health and safety and safeguarding. Each governor has areas of responsibility, which they carry out at both schools, e.g. curriculum, Maths, Literacy, RE and Collective Worship.
Senior Leaders from both schools also attend meetings as observers. They contribute to the meetings to further inform Governors of the day to day running of the school as well as school self-evaluation. Other staff attend the meeting, when appropriate e.g. to feedback on the strengths and next steps for development in their areas of responsibility.
Business Interests
Register of Business Interests 2019 – 2020
Register of Business Interests 2020 – 2021
Register of Business Interests 21-22
Register of Business Interests 22-23
Local Governing Body Attendance Record
STM & RSJ Joint LGB- attendance register 2020-21
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