At St Mary’s, we think that it is important for children to practise what they have learned in class at home to help them to be the best that they can be.
Here are the expectations for homework in KS1 and 2:
We expect all pupils to read at home (or be read to) every day. A record of this is then kept in their reading record (KS1) and on Pallet (KS2). Children in KS2 also have access to Read Theory which is a programme used in school to track reading progression.
We expect pupils to learn a small set of spellings each week. This is best completed in short bursts over the course of the week. In school, we break down our spellings as a continuation of phonics in to KS2. The children will encounter the sounds in shorts bursts over the week.
We expect all pupils to practise recalling their number facts (including number bonds and times tables) for a few minutes each day. One useful resource for parents of KS2 children is the Times Tables Rock Stars website that your child can log in to. There may also be short maths tasks sent home to support learning in class.
Other Subjects
We expect pupils to learn the information on the Knowledge Organiser sheet which is sent home each half term. A schedule is provided to show which sections should be learned in each week. Pupils will be tested on this in school, and we expect them to know this core information off by heart.
If your child has special educational needs we will adapt homework to suit them if this is needed. Also, if your child ever receives any homework which you feel is too difficult or it is not clear what to do then please speak to the class teacher. While we do expect children to complete all homework, we do not want this to be a source of anxiety for you or your children.
If you would like to do more with your child to support their education then we would suggest providing them with a range of rich experiences that will give them increased knowledge of the world. This knowledge is invaluable in developing reading comprehension ability and gives children a wealth of information to draw on when writing in school. Suggestions of places to visit include museums, art galleries, nature reserves, theatres to see plays, libraries and restaurants. For further information regarding activities that the government suggests children should take part in please download the ‘Activity Passport’ below.