Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! 

We hope you have had a fantastic summer holiday, had lots of fun and made many amazing memories! We are all set and cannot wait to start the new school year.

The team... 
Miss Bell will be your teacher this year. Ms Saynor will be helping us in class every morning and Mrs Driver will also be in helping the children.

Reading in Year Two…                                                                                                                                                                           
Reading with your child as often as possible is essential to their progress. We use reading records to keep track of children’s reading progress at home. Please keep these up to date and bring them to school every day with your reading books.

Having a quick recall of number bonds to 10 and 20 is key to answering many Maths questions in Year 2. Also knowing the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please practise these with your child to help them secure this knowledge. Remember there is also Times Table Rockstars and Numbots which children can use to help consolidate these skills.

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday. Please can children practise the spellings by saying them and writing them out. They can also put them into sentences. This will help with their sentence structure and use of punctuation. Some of the spelling’s children will be able to apply their phonics knowledge to help them. Children will then be tested on these spellings the following Friday.  

General Reminders…  

  • Year Two’s PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children must come to school in their normal school uniform and bring their PE kits in a labelled bag. Children will get changed for PE in school because getting changed into and out of their PE kits is part of the curriculum for our children as well as a life skill. For health and safety reasons, your child should not wear jewellery on these days, especially earrings.  They must have appropriate footwear too.

  •  Reading books will be changed every Wednesday. Please ensure all reading books are in school for changing. Children will receive a phonics book as well as a reading for pleasure book -this book is to be read with an adult.

  • If you would like to keep up to date with what is going on in Year 2 you can follow us on Twitter @twostmarys

If you have any questions about this year, then please do not hesitate to come and ask.   We look forward to working alongside all of you this year!
