British Values

Mental health week, in aid of Place2Be

The whole school have loved taking part in our circuit training this morning, for mental health week, in aid of Place2Be.  Thank you for your kind donations. What a great charity our School Council have decided to support.

Elf Run Update

Today, our Year Six members of the School Council presented our sponsorship from the Elf Run. As a school, we raised one thousand pounds for Barnsley Hospice from the elf run. Our school community is truly wonderful and always goes above and beyond. Thank you everyone.

Christmas Fayre.

A huge thank you to the St Mary’s community for supporting our Christmas Fayre. We raised just over £2000 for our wonderful school. A huge thank you to staff and parents for your support. What an amazing day!

School Learning Council

One of the our School Learning Council’s first jobs was to choose a charity to support in Autumn One and Children in Need was higher on the list. The school was a sea of yellow today as we raised over £200 for this amazing charity. We held an assembly to discuss our choices as individuals and how this linked with the British Value or individual Liberty.

A reply from Dan Jarvis…

After learning about recycling and and how it can help the planet, Year Two asked to write to their local MP to share their views. Today, they received a reply from Dan Jarvis.  We hope our voice can makes a difference. #individualliberty

Wonderful achievements outside

We love to hear about our wonderful children’s achievements outside of school and know what interests they have. Please keep sharing your achievements with us. #individualliberty

New equipment…

This devoted member of gardening club was so keen support the club he has bought the group all this wonderful new equipment. We can’t thank you enough! We will be selling the produce me make towards the end of the next half term.
